

I acknowledge that a deposit or a full price which has been paid for any Trip to Funturist and for reasons such as weather conditions, this Trip is canceled, the amount will be fully refunded. However, if the participant changes his/her mind or does not arrive at the designated time to agreed meeting point, Funturist will keep at least 30% of the full price to cover expenses involved with this booking.


I acknowledge that : activities with Funturist are intentionally designed to take clients ”off the beaten path”, to places where facilities, infrastructure, and safety and other standards may not be sophisticated and may be different from those in my country. Trips involve physical activity that can be demanding depending on the condition of the client and the risk of serious personal injury including permanent disability and death from accident, illness or the actions of other persons. Medical facilities and services may not be easily accessible and may not be sophisticated. There are also risks associated with the Trips such as theft or loss of or damage to property. Some of the services provided in connection with the Trips, including lodging, transportation, food service and local activities, are obtained from independent suppliers over whom Funturist has no control.


I am aware of the risks involved and I a m voluntary undertaking Trip. I understand that whilst Funturist will take every precaution to ensure my safety, Funturist will not be held liable for any loss or damage suffered by any person and property as a result of their participation in any such activity. I understand and have carefully considered the risks involved in taking a trip of this nature. I accept those risks and assume full responsibility for any loss, injury or damage to me, my family or my dependents arising in connection with my participation of members of my family, in the Trip. We have our own insurance appropriate to our needs in respect of such loss, injury or damage. I accept that although Funturist endeavors to choose appropriate independent suppliers to provide services on the Trip, Funturist has no control their operations and therefore makes travel arrangements for the Trips on the condition that Funturist will not be liable for any negligent or willful act or omission of any independent supplier, or any other unrelated third party. I acknowledge that the cost of the Funturist is based on my executing this Acknowledgement of Risk, Release and Indemnity. In consideration for Funturist accepting me on this trip I agree that I will not sue Funturist, in respect of, and hereby forever release Funturist from, all liability for economic loss and physical or mental injury, direct or indirect, arising in connection with the Trip – including without limitation permanent disability or death; any emotional distress; any loss of services, financial support, aid consortium or companionship; any damage to or loss of property – in each case, even if caused, in whole or in part, by the conduct, including the negligence, of Funturist. I further agree that I will indemnify Funturist respect of any claims for loss, injury or damage made by 1.) my family members, dependents or heirs or 2. third parties, which I, my estate, my family members or dependents have sued if damages are recovers from such third parties to the extent the third party claims and obtains complete or partial  indemnification from Funturist I acknowledge that I have read and accept the further terms and conditions set out in the Funturist trip planner and web site. I acknowledge that Funturist reserves the right do decline accepting or retaining any client whose health or actions, in Funturist’s sole judgment, impede the operation of a trip or the welfare or enjoyment of fellow clients. I agree that Funturist is the trustee of the respective rights of Funturist under this agreement. I intend that this Acknowledgement of Risk, Release and Indemnity, will be binding on all members of my family, my dependents, my estate, my heirs, successors and legal personal representatives. I agree that any claim or dispute arising out of or relating to this Acknowledgement of Risk, Release and Indemnity, or it’s interpretation, the Trip, or my relationship with Funturist will be resolved exclusively in the courts of the Republic Slovenia and will be governed exclusively by Slovenian law. I have carefully read the above Acknowledgement of Risk, Release and Indemnity. I understand that this document governs my rights and limits my potential remedies and I nevertheless sign it voluntarily and knowingly.


Super razgledi, super vodnik, zelo zabavno! Hvala.


“Odlično jahanje, odlični vodniki. Izlet bomo definitivno priporočili prijateljem iz Jersey Chanell Islanda – ne spremenite ničesar, bilo je popolno! Resnično hvala!”

Andy, Chris, Dave, Dan

“Popoln dan! Poln čudovite narave in dogodivščin. Hvala fantje, imate moje priporočilo!”


“Zabavno, mokro, svobodno – čudovito doživetje. Hvala za nepozabno izkušnjo v nepozabni deželi!”

Druzina Davidson

“Soteskanje je bilo fantastično! Zelo zabaven in osupljiv način skozi katerega lahko doživite naravo. Po izletu sva se počutila popolnoma osvežena in navdušena!”

Ian & Babs

Zabavna, mokra in čudovita izkušnja! Hvala za super avanturo v čudoviti naravi.

Druzina Brown

“Včeraj sem se poročila, danes šla na rafting – še vedno razmišljam v čem sem bolj uživala!;) Zelo zabavno, fenomenalni vodniki. Nekaj, kar morate poskusiti!”


“Čudovit, prečudovit dan! Zaljubili smo se v Slovenijo, upamo, da se kmalu vrnemo!”

Druzina Pokler

“To je bila moja prva in definitivno ne zadnja izkušnja z jadralnim padalstvom! Razgled, veter v laseh, adrenalin… Nepozabno!”


“Čisti adrenalin! Nimam drugih besed…”


“Bilo je prečudovito! Neverjetno si je ogledovati kraje, ki jih je sicer težko najti kot samostojni popotnik. Celo jutro je bila moja edina beseda wow.”


“Moram reči, da je bil zorbing najbolj odštekan način prevoza, ki ga je kadarkoli doživela moja družina.”

Druzina Devon

“Bilo je super – predvsem zato, ker sem zmagal:)”


“Bilo je prekleto zgodaj ampak se je prekleto izplačalo. Resnično lepo. Nujno vzemite fotoaparat!”

druzina Nathan

Želiš stopiti v stik z nami?

Izpolni spodnji obrazec in kontaktirali te bomo.

